Jewellery Storage:Store jewellery properly with these tips
You have treated yourself to a beautiful piece of jewellery and your collection is getting bigger and bigger? So that you can keep track of your jewellery and enjoy it for as long as possible, here are a few tips and tricks on how best to store your necklaces, earrings, rings and other jewellery.
Because jewellery storage not only influences the durability of the jewellery, but also contributes to how varied your daily looks are.
What is the best way to store my jewellery?
There are many different ways to store jewellery. The classic is the jewellery box, a beautiful casket or larger box with individual compartments for storing necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings. Equipped with drawers and compartments that can be opened, the jewellery box is a great and, above all, safe way to protect your jewellery from clutter and external influences. Because the be-all and end-all of jewellery storage is: expose your jewellery to as little air and direct light as possible. As the materials of the jewellery can react with the air, discolouration can occur over time. Direct sunlight can also cause the colour to fade or change, especially with precious stones.
The best way to store your jewellery is airtight and protected from light. Whether in a jewellery box, drawer or bedside table - your jewellery is best protected this way. The small jewellery boxes and the soft velvet pouches that you receive with your order at ICRUSH are also ideal for jewellery storage.
In addition, the following always applies: do not store your jewellery in the bathroom. The humid air can cause discolouration, especially in silver jewellery. Stainless steel jewellery is less susceptible and can be stored in the bathroom.

Can I store gold and silver jewellery together?
Different materials should also be stored separately from each other. Although jewellery can be stored in the same jewellery box or on the same jewellery stand, you should make sure that the different metals do not come into contact with each other. This can lead not only to scratches but also to colour changes.
Do I have to store costume jewellery differently from real jewellery?
Costume jewellery that contains materials such as brass tends to discolour. Therefore, special care should be taken to store costume jewellery in an airtight container that is protected from light. Silver jewellery is also somewhat more susceptible and is best kept in a jewellery box. Jewellery made of stainless steel - whether gold-plated or not - is less susceptible, as is real gold jewellery.

What is the best way to store chains?
Chains are great for hanging in storage. Especially if you already have a lot of necklaces, hanging them is a great way to save space. If you only have a few necklaces, you can of course store them in a jewellery box or in the black jewellery boxes or velvet bags from ICRUSH. It is important that they are placed on a soft surface - preferably velvet, as cotton wool can cause discolouration - and that different materials are stored separately from each other.

Where can I hang my chains?
If you already have a large collection of necklaces, it is a good idea to put them on a jewellery stand or a jewellery tree. However, as the jewellery is not stored airtight and in the dark on jewellery stands, you should not place it directly in front of the window.
Alternatively, you can hang your necklaces on hooks. Wall-mounted hooks are not only practical, but you can also create your own personal jewellery wall with them. Try attaching your hooks to a cork wall, to the inside of your wardrobe door, to hangers or to a wall with beautiful mosaic tiles using adhesive hooks. You can also turn your jewellery collection into a work of art by framing your hanging necklaces with a picture frame and making them part of your decor. There are no limits to your creativity.
What to do to prevent chains from knotting?
Hanging chains prevents chains from knotting quickly. Very delicate necklaces in particular should not be stored together in a bowl, as they can get knotted very quickly. If you hang your necklaces on a jewellery stand, you can hang necklaces of different thickness and structure next to each other. This way they are less likely to get knotted than if you hang many fine chains side by side.

What is the best way to store earrings?
Ohrringe bewahrst du am besten paarweise auf. Auch für Ohrringe gibt es Schmuckbäume, diese eignen sich vor allem, wenn du viele kleine Ohrringe hast. Größere Creolen oder Ohrhänger lassen sich auch gut in einer kleinen Schale, einem Tablett mit einzelnen Fächern oder einem Schmuckkästchen aufbewahren. Auch für Ohrringe eignen sich die Schmuckboxen und Samtbeutel, die du bei deiner ICRUSH-Bestellung aus dem Online-Shop dazubekommst. Auch bei der Aufbewahrung von Ohrringen gilt: Materialien möglichst nicht mischen und möglichst luft- und lichtgeschützt lagern. Damit du den Überblick über deine Ohrringe behältst, solltest du sie paarweise und gemeinsam mit den Verschlussschräubchen (sofern vorhanden) aufbewahren. Thematisch passend kannst du auch deine <aclass=”aunderline” href=”https://icrush.de/produkt-kategorie/ohrringe/earcuff”>Earcuffs bei deinen Ohrringen lagern. So kannst du jeden Tag den perfekten Earcandy-Look kreieren.
What is the best way to store rings?
As rings are exposed to light, air, water and chemicals when worn, you should store them as protected as possible. They feel most comfortable in a closed jewellery box or casket. It is also a good idea to clean the rings gently after taking them off. Also make sure that rings made of different materials are stored separately from each other to avoid discolouration.

How can I keep my jewellery safe when travelling?
On holiday, of course, favourite pieces of jewellery must not be missing. Special "travel bags" for jewellery that have individual compartments or options for clamping the jewellery are ideal for transporting and storing jewellery while travelling. A simple alternative is again small jewellery boxes, in whose velvet cushions necklaces and bracelets can be securely clamped and thus do not get knotted during transport. We also send our jewellery to you in small jewellery boxes, which are great to use when travelling. Thicker necklaces, chunky bracelets and large creoles can also be transported well in velvet bags. However, you should make sure to use one little bag per piece of jewellery so that the jewellery doesn't scratch each other. A tip for space-saving travellers: Jewellery can also be stored and transported in small sealable plastic bags. The jewellery is protected from air and external influences, you can see at first glance what you have packed, and if you let the clasp of delicate necklaces peek out of the bag a little, they won't get knotted.
Our top 5 tips for jewellery storage:
- Have everything at a glance: The more pieces of jewellery you always have at hand, the more varied your looks will be! Out of convenience, we tend to put on the same pieces of jewellery over and over again. But if you have everything at a glance and have all the choices in front of you, it's much easier to be creative.
- Sort thematically: Especially if you have a large jewellery collection, it makes sense to sort your jewellery. We not only differentiate between necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings, but also sort them thematically. For example, you can sort your chains into link chains, chains with pendants, Y-chains and short chains.
- Get creative: If the jewellery box is full or the jewellery stand is overloaded, you can think of great alternatives to store your jewellery! Hooks on the wall, beautifully designed trays or small bowls are great for jewellery storage. Let your creativity run wild!
- Always have a little pouch with you: When you go to the gym, quickly take off your necklace and put it in your purse? This can quickly scratch the jewellery! We always have a small sealable plastic bag or a velvet pouch with us, in which the jewellery can be stored on the go. This way, necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings stay beautiful for a long time.
- Clean your jewellery regularly: Even if it's a nuisance, jewellery needs to be cleaned to keep it beautiful for a long time. Before you put your jewellery back in your jewellery box, it makes sense to gently remove dirt and grease. You can find helpful tips on cleaning and caring for jewellery in our jewellery care guide.